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4 Wellington Place Abell & Cleland House Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Roof Garden Aldgate Place Ansty Park Arthurs Lane Astley Hall Barton Square Redevelopment Battersea Reach Battersea Reach Block P Buckhold Road Entrance Buckhold Road Podium Cafe Mall Fountain Cambridge Street Central Chelmsford Chelmsford Salt Marsh Pool Chelsea Creek Chelsea Island Chelsea Waterfront Churchill Way Canal Refurbishment / Canal Quarter Cliffe Castle Park Crowle Market Place Crown Street Development Dickens Yard Droylsden Cemetery Farnborough Business Park Fulham Reach Fulham Riverside Fulham Wharf Fulham Wharf Podium Moat Grand Union Canal Guinness Storehouse Haseley Manor Health Science Building, Hope University Henry Square High Point Village Holland Park Villas Imperial Wharf intu Lakeside Jellicoe Water Gardens Keble College Kew Bridge Kings Gardens Knowsley Place Lancaster University LCFC Training Ground Les Ambassadeurs Limeharbour Liverpool Hope University Llyn Brenig Reservoir Marina Park Marlowes Shopping Zone MOTO MSA Mulberry Place One Blackfriars One Thames City One Thames City Courtyard One The Elephant Owen Street Development Ponders End Park Reception and Environment Centre (REC), Brackenhurst Campus Reckitt Benckiser Redcar Seafront RHS Flower Show 2013 RHS Flower Show 2014 RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2018 Royal Arsenal Bubbler Royal Arsenal Plaza Royal Arsenal Riverside Saffron Square Selfridges Metrolink Gateway Scheme Seren Park Residential Development Sillavan Way Sir Nigel Gresley Square St Bede’s St Mary’s Churchyard Park Stamford Park Stanmore Place Sugar Quay The Victoria University of Bath Victoria Square Watford Town Pond Willows Activity Farm Winnington Road Wohl Campus Woodberry Park World of Wedgwood Yabsley Street

Arthurs Lane

Embrace Nature's Beauty with a Floating Fountain

Churchill Way Canal Refurbishment / Canal Quarter

Bridging Waters

Henry Square

From Past to Present: Refurbished to Modern Standards

Llyn Brenig Reservoir

A graphical waterfall with water swing

Guinness Storehouse

Spectacular water and light show!

Grand Union Canal

Honouring the heritage of the Grand Union Canal

Fulham Riverside

A decorative, aesthetic element in an urban living environment

One Thames City Courtyard

Subterranean, contemporary water features

LCFC Training Ground

A skulk of playful foxes!

One Thames City

Simple, understated elegance

Victoria Square

A water wall adds striking intrigue to an entrance without taking up additional space.

Willows Activity Farm

Aquatic play for developing minds

Marina Park

Plaza feature with dynamic misting

Mulberry Place

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley

Selfridges Metrolink Gateway Scheme

Spectacular and dynamic water patterns

Haseley Manor

Courtyard centrepiece

“They are well experienced and experts in their field including the design, construction and maintenance of new and existing water features.”

Project Manager, Casey Group of Companies

“I have worked with Fountains & Features on a number of projects now and they are always a pleasure to work with. Design drawings are perfect and our client never has an issue, they work within the agreed timeframe and the end result is always as expected. Their maintenance team are also reliable and very knowledgeable. I wouldn’t hesitate to use them again.”

Elite Landscapes Ltd

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